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Tempo da Delicadeza

Thank you!!!


Tempo da Delicadeza

Não tenho como agradecer as  inúmeras delicadezas que tenho recebido, desde que comecei este blog. Tinha algumas expectativas mas nunca pensei em receber tanto carinho explícito!
Não me contive e irei compartilhar duas delicadas menções, que tanto me fizeram feliz esta semana.
Agradeço as palavras tão amáveis​​ que me foram proferidas por Miss Millionairess e pelo site americano Beauty High. Estou muito honrada e emocionada por ter sido incluída nestas duas indicações.
Quero agradecer aos que tem me acompanhado nesta caminhada, tanto aos leitores do “Tempo da Delicadeza”, quanto aos meus queridos seguidores do Pinterest.
Adoro todos vocês!
Beijos carinhosos,


Tempo da Delicadeza

Melancia Melancia~
This Brazilian blogger & lawyer has a passion for architecture, interior design, and photography. Her boards & pins are tranquil, and exude femininity & elegance, as well; her blog evokes class & sophistication. The essence of her blog is the fine art of interiors,fashion, art, & much more. She influences the lifestyle of all who follows her. This is why she is Millionairess of the Day. www.pinterest.com…, tempodadelicadeza…


50 Best Pinterest Accounts to Follow: By Beauty High

Pinterest: melancia melancia

Tempo da Delicadeza

Why You Should Follow: If Marilyn Monroe could have a Pinterest, this would be it. Filled with vintage beauty inspiration from movie stars and magazines, melancia melancia’s Pinterest is a well curated account of some of the most classy shots we’ve ever come across.



  • 17 de novembro de 2013
    Anita B

    Frida, It is wonderful to see you get recognition. You are an absolute joy to follow on Pinterest and I know I speak for many others that Pinterest would not be the same without you. I am so happy everytime I see you pinning and it is a great joy for me when you repin something from me. Your taste is so elegant and sophisticated. I a very proud and honored to be considered your friend, Lots of love, your friend, Anita B

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