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Sculpture by the Sea


Under One Sky' by Stephan Marr. Photo Brook Mitchell

Under One Sky’ by Stephan Marr. Photo Brook Mitchell

Sculpture by the Sea é a maior exposição ao ar livre do mundo. Acontece em Bondi Beach, uma das mais famosas praias de Sydney, na Austrália. Considerado um dos eventos mais populares do país, atrai cerca de 520.000 pessoas, anualmente. Os artistas instalam suas esculturas contemporâneas, ao longo da costa, que são projetadas com o objetivo de interagir com o público.

A 21° edição da exposição acontece de 19 de outubro a 5 de novembro e apresenta 104 obras de artistas do mundo inteiro.
Confira abaixo algumas esculturas presentes no evento:

Alessandra Rossi, Untitled Coral (aqua), Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Alessandra Rossi, Untitled Coral (aqua). Photo Richard Watson


Ben Fasham, Tears of Joy, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Ben Fasham, Tears of Joy. Photo Richard Watson


Song Jianshu, 1km Tower, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Song Jianshu, 1km Tower. Photo Richard Watson


Aliesha Mafrici, Statis III, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Aliesha Mafrici, Statis III. Photo Richard Watson


April Pine, Pause, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Hugh Sando

April Pine, Pause. Photo Hugh Sando


Elyssa Sykes-Smith, Alliance Amongst Adversity, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Elyssa Sykes-Smith, Alliance Amongst Adversity. Photo Richard Watson


Lucy Humphrey, Horizon, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Jessica Wyld

Lucy Humphrey, Horizon. Photo Jessica Wyld


Tsukasa Nakahara 'High Tide'

Tsukasa Nakahara ‘High Tide’ Photograph: Anna Kucera


B Jane Cowie 'Swirling Surround'

B Jane Cowie ‘Swirling Surround’ Photograph: Anna Kucera


David Ball - Orb. Photo: Jessica Wyld

David Ball – Orb. Photo: Jessica Wyld


Jörg Plickat, Existence – Just a Loop in Infinity of Time, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Jessica Wyld

Jörg Plickat, Existence – Just a Loop in Infinity of Time. Photo Jessica Wyld


Tony Cragg, Luke, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Jessica Wyld

Tony Cragg, Luke. Photo Jessica Wyld


Zadok Ben-David, Big Boy, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Zadok Ben-David, Big Boy. Photo Richard Watson


Anne Neil, Murmur, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Stellar Fraser

Anne Neil, Murmur. Photo Stellar Fraser


Masayuki Sugiyama, Blue Cylinder Revolution, Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe 2017. Photo Richard Watson

Masayuki Sugiyama, Blue Cylinder Revolution. Photo Richard Watson


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Sonia Payes, ‘littoral echo’. Photo © c yee


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