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Tempo da Delicadeza

Uma Villa no Sul da França


A Villa in the South of France

Taylor Howes assina  esta Villa  Mediterrânea, localizada perto de Mougins, no Sul da França.
A casa em estilo provençal foi cuidadosamente projetada  para atender aos anseios de seus proprietários. É ao mesmo tempo singela e sofisticada. A fantástica luz local,  a ausência de barulho,  o mobiliário elegante e a paleta de cores neutras, transmitem a tranquilidade esperada de uma casa de férias.
A ampla área externa inclui um campo de futebol, uma quadra de tênis e uma piscina com  grutas, mas o destaque fica por conta dos bucólicos canteiros de lavanda que aromatizam delicadamente todo o espaço externo.

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

 A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

 A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

 A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

 A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

 A Villa in the South of France

 A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France

A Villa in the South of France




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